ROGUE VIDEO SHOOT - LED WALL Virtual Production Stage

Rogue (Aim for the Kill) - Edge of Paradise.mp3

SETTING 1 - margarita solo - 1 hour shoot time


An abstract scene conveying a metamorphosis.

Dark room, with black lights, glowing suit

1st shot - Really close up on the floor, capturing close up movements, darker visuals on the LED screen .

2nd shot -  Zoomed out with me almost as a silhouette, brighter visuals, incorporating the S swords (will edit mostly speed/slow motion effects) 

3rd shot, sing through in this darker setting 


SETTING 2 - margarita & the faceless - Half hour shoot time

This is mostly for the second verse.

"Hey demon, I'll look you in the eyes...and I'll watch you burn...."

Darker Setting, 

Me, with The Faceless character, but he's dressed up in darker, more demon like attire. In the story we don't know for sure if his intentions are good or evil. Weather he has humanity left or he's been taken over fully by the A.I. so in this scene, he's portrayed as his darker side. 

1 Wide shot- a sing though, with the demon character on his knees, and I'm circling him

SETTING 3- margarita solo - half hour shoot time

My outfit is similar to this one 

Solo sing through scene with the 

LED suit. Fast moving imagery..

These vertical screens we have, they are a bit over 6 feet tall, I was thinking we could put them in front of the LED wall, and I can move around and sing through the song, might get some cool effect

SETTING 4 - the band and the faceless - half hour

This scene recreates the ending of the Hologram graphic novel, and this song kind of marks the "new beginning"

In the ending, it's made unclear weather the Faceless character (in the novel his name is Dark) can be fully trusted.

 He used to be a human, all of his people, humanity on earth are descendants of these people, as they sent out their DNA into space during the collapse of their planet. So for thousands of years he has been sustained by the A.I. and the cybernetic body/vessel that houses his consciousness. They live in the underworld of the planet "Reign of Terror". 

SO THE SCENE - I'm thinking shooting it in with that shutter effect you used in Basilisk. 

He hands the artifact to the crew, however, the artifact is the key to sustaining his people, it connects them to the A.I. 

But the artifact is the only thing that can get us home,  and in the process the artifact will be destroyed. So ultimately he is sacrificing his whole civilization for humanity to have a fighting chance against A.I. The Faceless also instructed us to destroy the hologram once we get back, to prevent the A.I. to infiltrating and taking over human consciousness. 

In the scene I am unwilling to take the artifact and be responsible for deciding which world gets to exist. It is unclear to us all if there is any humanity left in any of his people, and why he is making this sacrifice, if he was fully A.I. he would do everything to survive.

But in the scene the crew urges us to leave, they pull me away, and we get off camera, leaving the Faceless character by himself, and in the post I'll make it so he is disintegrates at the end. 

Setting on the LED wall, is the surface of the planet, raging storm, giant monolith statues resembling human heads. 

SETTING 5 - BAND PLAY THROUGH - 1 and a half hour shoot time

I will make the visuals for the LED wall that follow the energy of the song, and we just shoot the band maybe 3 times playing through the song